Latino Business Link
Idiomas y traducción
Languages and Translation
This website encourages the use of languages commonly spoken in our community. Most content on this site is originally in English. Some content is originally in Spanish. We provide automated translation where possible; keep reading for instructions.


If you are a Macintosh and/or Safari user, the browser will display the adjacent translation icon near the top of each window; click it to invoke a choice of languages.

You can select all the languages you understand in your system settings. For more information see your Macintosh user guide.


For you Google fans, Google and its Chrome browser offer a translation service supported by most browsers. Choose the desired language from a long, scrolling list of over a hundred options, most of which you cannot identify, let alone read.
Translate * Traducir
While this sentence appears this site is not enable for translation by Google.
NOTICE: Often the translations from different services will vary. Whenever you find a translation that does not quite ring true in a language you understand, you might contact the provider and suggest and improvement, which helps all users of the Web. Because these are third-party services, we cannot help, so please don't write to 411Latino about translations.